Don Towsley Wins the 2007
SIGMETRICS Achievement Award
ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Don Towsley, of the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, as the recipient of the 2007 ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award in recognition of his sustained and continuous record of truly outstanding research achievements over a career of nearly three decades. He is a pioneer and a leading scholar in the area of computer modeling and analysis, with applications to networking and computer systems.
Dr. Towsley received a B.A. degree in Physics and his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science, both from the University of Texas. He is currently a Distinguished University Professor in the Department of Computer Science at the University of Massachusetts - Amherst, where he co-directs the Networking Research Laboratory. Dr. Towsley has been a Visiting Scientist at AT&T Labs - Research, IBM Research, INRIA, Microsoft Research Cambridge, and the University of Paris 6.
Dr. Towsley currently serves as the Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking and on the editorial boards of the Journal of the ACM and the IEEE Journal of Selected Areas in Communications. He is currently the Chair of the IFIP Working Group 7.3 on Computer Performance Measurement, Modeling, and Analysis. He has also served on numerous editorial boards including those of IEEE Transactions on Communications and Performance Evaluation. He has been active in the program committees for numerous conferences and has served as a Technical Program Co-Chair for ACM SIGMETRICS and Performance conferences. Dr. Towsley received the 2007 IEEE Kobayashi Computer and Communications Award, the 1999 IEEE Communications Society William Bennett Award, and several conference/workshop best paper awards. He is also the recipient of the University of Massachusetts Chancellor's Medal and the the Outstanding Research Award from the College of Natural Science and Mathematics at the University of Massachusetts. He is one of the founders of the Computer Performance Foundation. Dr. Towsley has twice been the recipient of IBM Faculty Fellowship Awards. He is a Fellow of the IEEE and the ACM. His research interests include network measurement, modeling, and analysis.
For more information about Dr. Towsley, please visit his website: