Debasis Mitra Wins the 2012 ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award

ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Debasis Mitra from Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent as the recipient of the 2012 ACM SIGMETRICS Achievement Award in recognition of his fundamental contributions to the modeling, analysis and design of communication networks.

Debasis Mitra is Vice President in the Chief Scientist’s Office of Bell Labs, Alcatel-Lucent. He is responsible for global research partnerships and academic relations. From 1999-2007, as Vice President of the Mathematical and Algorithmic Sciences Research Center, he directed activities in fundamental mathematics, algorithms, complex systems analysis and optimization, statistics, learning theory, information and communications sciences, and industrial mathematics.

He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering, a Bell Labs Fellow and a Life Fellow of the IEEE. He is a recipient of the 1998 IEEE Eric E. Sumner Award, the 1993 Steven O. Rice Prize Paper Award and the 1982 Guillemin-Cauer Prize Paper Award of the IEEE. He is also the recipient of awards from the 1995 ACM Sigmetrics/Performance Conference, the Institution of Electrical Engineers (UK) and the Bell System Technical Journal. He has been a member of the editorial boards of the IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking, the IEEE Transactions of Communications, the IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems, Queueing Systems (QUESTA) and Operations Research. He holds over 20 patents. He has been McKay Professor at the University of California, Berkeley, and the Albert Winsemius Professor at the Nanyang Technical University in Singapore.

During 2006, Dr.Mitra chaired the Mathematics Advisory Committee of the Science Foundation of Ireland. He has served as advisor to the Hamilton Institute of the National University of Ireland, Maynooth, University of Maryland’s Computer Science Department, University of Michigan’s Electrical Engineering Department and Northwestern University’s Industrial Engineering and Management Sciences Department. He has served on the Eric E. Sumner Award Committee (as member and as Chair) and the Koji Kobayashi Computers and Communications Award Committee of the IEEE. In 2003, he served as the Chair of the Telecom review panel of the N.J. Commission on Jobs Growth and Economic Development. During 2006-2010, he served on the Air Force Studies Board of the National Academies, USA. He is serving on the IEEE COMSOC Awards Committee and the Review Panel of the Institute on Infocomm Research in Singapore. He is serving on the National Academies panel to assess Information Technology at NIST. He is a member of the Army Research Lab Technical Assessment Board and Chair of the National Academies panel to assess ARL’s Computational and Information Sciences.

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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.