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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

Isaac Grosof 2023 SIGMETRICS Doctoral Dissertation Award

ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce the selection of Dr. Isaac Grosof of the Georgia Institute of Technology as the recipient of the 2023 SIGMETRICS Doctoral Dissertation Award in recognition of the outstanding contributions of their doctoral thesis to queueing theory, addressing the mean response time of scheduling algorithms in modern computing systems, and the optimality of these algorithms.

Isaac is a postdoctoral fellow at Georgia Tech ISyE. They will join the Industrial Engineering and Management Science (IEMS) department at Northwestern University as an assistant professor in 2024, following a 6-month postdoc at University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign (UIUC). They received their Ph.D. in Computer Science from Carnegie Mellon University (CMU), where they were advised by Mor Harchol-Balter. Their work has been recognized by awards at ACM SIGMETRICS, INFORMS, and IFIP Performance.

Isaac's thesis, Optimal Scheduling in Multiserver Queues, proves the first optimality results on scheduling in a variety of stochastic models which reflect modern computing systems. First, in one-server-per-job multiserver models, they prove the first results on optimal scheduling, analyzing both a central-queue model and a dispatching model. Second, in the multiserver-job model, where different jobs require different amounts of resources, they prove the first characterization of mean response time for any scheduling policy, and prove the first optimality results. Finally, they study the effects of scheduling on the tail of response time, devising the first scheduling policy to outperform the asymptotic tail of response time of First-Come First-Served.

Additional information is available on Isaac's website: https://isaacg1.github.io/.