Florian Simatos Wins 2014 ACM SIGMETRICS Rising Star Researcher Award
ACM SIGMETRICS is pleased to announce that Dr. Florian Simatos of
INRIA has been selected as the recipient of the 2014 ACM SIGMETRICS
Rising Star Researcher Award. Florian has made significant
contributions to the area of performance evaluation of communication
networks, in particular the design of efficient algorithms for
cognitive radio networks and for constrained queueing networks. He has
also provided methodological contributions for establishing heavy
traffic approximations.
Florian obtained a bachelor's degree at the Ecole Polytechnique in
2004, followed by a master's degree at Stanford in 2005 and a PhD at
INRIA in 2009. He then completed postdoctoral fellowships at the
Center for Mathematics and Computer Science (CWI) and at Eindhoven
University of Technology (TU/e). In January 2014, he returned to INRIA
as a researcher, investigating branching processes and conducting
performance analysis of distributed algorithms for medium access in
wireless networks.
Florian's research sits at the boundary of the performance evaluation and
applied probability, and he is an active member of both the ACM SIGMETRICS
and INFORMS Applied Probability communities. Thus far in his career, Florian
has published six conference papers (four at ACM SIGMETRICS) and 11 journal
papers. He was a co-author on the best paper at ACM SIGMETRICS 2010. He has
served as a reviewer for numerous top quality journals and conferences. He
has given over 20 invited talks on his research. In 2011, he co-organized a
meeting of the Young European Queueing Theorists.
For more information about Dr. Simatos, please visit