Unfortunately, we had to cancel the visit to Bletchley Park as they are fully booked for group tours on Thursday. Instead there will be an informal visit to the Science Museum (which is just around the corner) on Thursday. Please be at the registration desk at 10am on Thursday, if you would like to take part. The Science Museum has a good Computing collection which inlcudes a replica of Babbage's machine, a PDP-8 and one of the world's oldest working electronic computers.
The following student posters have been accepted and will be presented on Monday evening at the conference reception (see programme for details).
Jia Wang (Chair) | AT&T Research, USA |
Giuliano Casale | Imperial College London, United Kingdom |
Abhishek Chandra | University of Minnesota, USA |
Vijay Erramilli | Telefonica Research, Spain |
Wenjun Hu | Microsoft Research - Asia, China |
Abhishek Sharma | NEC Labs America, USA |
He Yan | AT&T Labs - Research, USA |
After the conclusion of the main conference on Thursday there will be an Industrial Fair With representatives from AT&T Labs, Facebook, HP, IBM Research, Microsoft Research, Nokia and VMWare. Drinks and refreshments will be served at the end of the event.
SIGMETRICS/PERFORMANCE 2012 has offered a number travel grants to enable participation at the conference by students who would normally find it difficult to attend. Awarded students are highly encouraged to attend the tutorial program and the student activities. Each student awardee must scribe one session.
Jia Wang | AT&T Labs - Research, USA |
Martin Arlitt | HP Labs, USA and University of Calgary, Canada |
Don Towsley | University of Massachusetts, USA |
Li Zhang | IBM T. J. Watson Research Center, USA |