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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

Call for Hosting: ACM SIGMETRICS 2026 conference (Due February 8, 2024)

SIGMETRICS solicits Expressions of Interest (EoIs) to host future editions of its flagship conference.

The SIGMETRICS Executive Committee has recently moved to a long-term scheduling model for the venue and high-quality bids are presently solicited for editions from 2026 onwards. Upcoming editions are planned to be located in Italy (2024) and the U.S. (2025).

Prospective general chairs should send EoIs by FEBRUARY 8th, 2024.

The EoIs received by this deadline will be reviewed by an ad-hoc committee and the submitters of the short-listed bids will be contacted for further assessment. The committee expects to make a determination on the selected venue within two months at most. While full details are not required at this stage, EoI submitters are encouraged to provide as much information as possible on the overall vision for the future event.

Please submit a pdf file that answers the following questions to the best of your abilities at this point. Feel free to leave blank whatever you can’t answer:

  1. General chairs along with their websites and emails for contact.
  2. Proposed location of the event (be as specific as you can: city / university / convention center?)
  3. What is the hosting organization (university, research lab, company? ). What is the specific facility where the conference will be held? Is there a large enough room to hold the main sessions (300 person room is ideal)? Are there enough smaller rooms for parallel workshops/tutorials? Make sure that the rooms are accessible to people with limited mobility.
  4. Provide a very rough estimate of the major costs associated with hosting your conference at your location (cost of conference venue, cost of banquet venue, cost of catering at that venue, anything else?).
  5. Roughly what is the prior engagement of the general chairs with Sigmetrics (start with the number of Sigmetrics conferences attended in the last 10 years, but also include involvement on the TPC, on the Board, on the Organizational Committees, etc.)?
  6. Prior experience of the general chairs in hosting events (conferences, workshops, other). These do not have to be Sigmetrics events.
  7. Prior experience of the general chairs in fundraising. Please also mention any specific connections with companies that are likely to provide funding, and any reasons to believe that fundraising will not be a problem.
  8. Local team that the general chairs can call on to help with local arrangements.
  9. Sigmetrics is typically held in mid-June. What can you tell us about the experience for conference goers at your location in mid-June? Examples include: weather expectations, hotel availability and cost, ease of visa access to your country, ease of travel to your location, availability of restaurants and other attractions, etc.
  10. (optional) Any new ideas that you want to introduce to help grow the Sigmetrics conference?
  11. (optional) If you are short-listed, would you be willing to be considered for future years?
  12. (optional) Anything else you want to tell us.

For any general inquiry concerning the preparation of the EoI, please contact the SIG Chair for ACM Sigmetrics, Mor Harchol-Balter (harchol@cs.cmu.edu).