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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

SIGMETRICS Frequent Authors

Authors who frequently publish and present their work at the SIGMETRICS conference.

List based on DBLP, last update: July 2024.

Author (number of publications):
Adam Wierman (51)
Don Towsley (46)
Mor Harchol-Balter (38)
Mahmut T. Kandemir (34)
Devavrat Shah (30)
Ness B. Shroff (25)
Sem C. Borst (24)
Benny Van Houdt (23)
R. Srikant 0001 (22)
Jun (Jim) Xu (21)
Mohammad Hajiesmaili (20)
Alexandre Proutière (20)
Ziv Scully (20)
Sanjay Shakkottai (20)
Onur Mutlu (19)
John C. S. Lui (18)
Mary K. Vernon (18)
Stefan Schmid 0001 (17)
Siddhartha Banerjee (16)
Giulia Fanti (16)
Philippe Nain (16)
Florin Ciucu (16)
Edith Cohen (16)
Anand Sivasubramaniam (16)
Steven H. Low (15)
Augustin Chaintreau (15)
Thomas Bonald (15)
Prashant J. Shenoy (15)
Jian Tan (15)
Weina Wang 0001 (14)
James F. Kurose (14)
John Zahorjan (14)
Haoyu Wang 0001 (14)
Nick Feamster (13)
Shaolei Ren (13)
Scott Shenker (13)
Lin Yang (13)
Vishal Misra (12)
Derek L. Eager (12)
Lei Ying 0001 (12)
Philip S. Yu (12)
Laurent Massoulié (12)
Aditya Akella (12)
Edward D. Lazowska (12)
Xingyu Zhou 0001 (12)
Chita R. Das (12)
Alex X. Liu (12)
Evgenia Smirni (12)
Zhi-Li Zhang (12)
Johan van Leeuwaarden (12)
Jia Wang 0001 (12)
Nick G. Duffield (12)
Nicolas Gast (12)
Saugata Ghose (11)
Ramesh K. Sitaraman (11)
Alan Scheller-Wolf (11)
Z. Morley Mao (11)
Carey L. Williamson (11)
Paul Barford (11)
Jennifer Rexford (11)
Bhuvan Urgaonkar (11)
Sewoong Oh (11)
Xiapu Luo (10)
Gregory R. Ganger (10)
Lawrence W. Dowdy (10)
Isaac Grosof (10)
Pramod Viswanath (10)
Chen Avin (10)
Mark Crovella (10)
Jiaming Xu (10)
Jeffrey P. Buzen (10)
Erich M. Nahum (10)
Sen Yang 0001 (10)
Richard Combes (9)
Minghua Chen 0001 (9)
Lili Qiu (9)
Mustafa Karaköy (9)
Hui Zhang 0001 (9)
Debankur Mukherjee (9)
Dan Rubenstein (9)
Y. Charlie Hu (9)
Leana Golubchik (9)
Konstantin Avrachenkov (9)
Kishor S. Trivedi (9)
Xulong Tang (9)
Philippe Robert (9)
Albert G. Greenberg (9)
Satish K. Tripathi (9)
Kenneth C. Sevcik (9)
Feng Qian 0001 (9)
Cathy H. Xia (9)
Mark S. Squillante (9)
Stratis Ioannidis (9)
Erol Gelenbe (9)
Bo Sun 0004 (9)
Donghyuk Lee (8)
Richard R. Muntz (8)
Renata Teixeira (8)
Michael J. Neely (8)
Richard B. Bunt (8)
Martin Zubeldia (8)
Qiaomin Xie (8)
Zhenhua Liu 0002 (8)
Zhen Liu 0001 (8)
Gil Zussman (8)
Daniel A. Reed (8)
Constantine Caramanis (8)
Peter G. Harrison (8)
Christophe Diot (8)
Anwar Elwalid (8)
T. V. Lakshman (8)
Onno J. Boxma (8)
Zubair Shafiq (8)
Sujay Sanghavi (8)
Jason Nieh (8)
Javad Ghaderi (8)
Edward G. Coffman Jr. (8)
Anshul Gandhi (8)