Houses of Parliaments
London, United Kingdom - JUNE 11-15, 2012


The organisers are pleased to announce that two keynote talks will be given on the first and second days of the main conference, on the 12th and 13th of June 2012. The speakers are Naresh Patel, Technical Director, Netapp Inc, USA and Zhen Liu, Head of Nokia Research Growth Economies Laboratory, China. Their details appear below; keep watching the conference web site (above) for up-to-date details.

Naresh Patel (NetApp)

Naresh Patel will give a talk entitled: Performance Implications of Storage Class Memory Architectures. Naresh is currently a Technical Director for Performance Engineering at NetApp Inc. in Sunnyvale, California, where he analyses and models the performance of caching and storage architectures. Prior to his 12 years at NetApp, he held leadership positions in research and development at Tandem Computers Inc. and Compaq Inc. (now part of Hewlett Packard). He obtained his Ph.D. in Computing Science from Imperial College London in 1989, following a B.Sc. (First Class with Honours) in Computing Science in 1986, and co-authored a book on performance modeling with Peter Harrison in 1992. Since moving into industry he has continued to pursue his interest in researching techniques for performance analysis and modeling applicable to new technologies, resulting in several papers in both international conferences and top-tier journals, as well as novel performance-related components in systems software.

Zhen Liu (Nokia)

Zhen Liu joined Nokia in 2008 as the Head of NRC Beijing, and then became the Head of NRC Growth Economies Lab, which has research teams in Beijing, Shenzhen, Bangalore and Nairobi. Before joining Nokia, he was with IBM T. J. Watson Research Center and served as the manager of System Analysis and Optimization group, and the senior manager of the Next Generation Distributed Systems department, and was a master inventor at IBM. Prior to this experience, he worked at Orange Labs (formerly France Telecom R&D) as a Research Associate, and in INRIA (the French national research center on information and automation), first as a Researcher, then becoming a Research Director.
He is an adjunct professor at the University of Science and Technology of China and Beijing University of Post and Telecommunications. While he was in France, Zhen was also an adjunct professor of the University of Paris VI (University of Pierre & Marie Curie) and the University of Nice - Sophia Antipolis, France.
Zhen is a fellow of IEEE and a member of the IFIP W.G. 7.3. He has served on NSF Panels and a number of conference program committees. He was the general chair of the ACM Sigmetrics 2008 Conference, co-chair of ACM HotMetrics 2008, program co-chair of the Joint Conference of ACM Sigmetrics and IFIP Performance 2004, technical program co-chair of Sensorcomm 2009, and area TPC chair for INFOCOM 2008 and INFOCOM 2009. He is on the editorial boards of several journals including IEEE Transactions on Service Computing and the Journal of Performance Evaluation, published by Elsevier.
He has given keynotes and distinguished lectures in various conferences and universities, has had over 50 US patents granted and over 200 scientific publications in prestigious journals and conferences, including the best paper award at the 37th ICPP.