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  • SIGMETRICS is the flagship conference of the SIGMETRICS community.
  • Performance is the flagship conference of IFIP WG 7.3 and occurs jointly with SIGMETRICS once every three years.
  • IMC is at the intersection between SIGCOMM and SIGMETRICS, focusing on Internet measurement.
  • SenSys focuses on the design, implementation, and application of sensor networks.
  • ICPE (formerly WOSP/SIPEW) focuses on the intersection of software design and performance evaluation.

SIGMETRICS Student Activities

ACM SIGMETRICS has a number of activities directed specifically at helping students to develop as performance evaluation researchers and practitioners. Many of these events are co-located with the main SIGMETRICS conference.

Student travel grants

The goal of the travel grant program is to encourage participation in the SIGMETRICS conference by students that would normally find it difficult to attend. Applications are accepted from students at degree granting institutions throughout the world.

The travel grant is intended to contribute towards the conference registration fee, travel cost and lodging expenses, with the amount of support depending on the total funds available, the location of the student's institution and the number of qualifying applications received.

Higher priority is generally be given to students who have serious interests in SIGMETRICS but do not have guaranteed financial support from their home organization (e.g. without a full paper – the committee believes that full paper authors should be covered by their advisors). Higher priority is given to students who have *not* received travel grants from SIGMETRICS in the past.

For application details consult the SIGMETRICS conference website.

This program has been made possible over the years as a result of sponsorship from AT&T Labs, HP Labs, Microsoft Research, IBM Research, Intel, Seagate, VMware, and Google.

Student thesis panel

During the annual SIGMETRICS conference, there is a thesis panel which provides a live forum for students to promote and get feedback on their work, exchange research experiences, and interact with established researchers. Both analytical and empirical studies are encouraged to be submitted to the student thesis panel.

  • Performance evaluation studies of: computer networks, Internet servers, network applications, topology and routing, computer architectures, database systems, operating systems, distributed systems, multimedia systems, file and storage systems, memory systems, language and runtime systems, real-time systems, sensor networks, mobile devices and wireless networks, security, and fault-tolerant systems.
  • Performance methodology techniques and algorithms for: analytic modeling, system measurement and monitoring, model verification and validation, workload characterization, simulation, statistical analysis, stochastic modeling, experimental design, reliability analysis and management, performance optimization and hybrid models.

Submissions are reviewed by a panel committee, from which a number of abstracts are selected for presentation at the thesis panel. Each thesis panel is chaired by a well established researcher in the field and student authors of accepted submissions will speak as panelists.

An Award (and a prize) is given to the best student panelist. A limited number of student travel grants are also available to the accepted student authors who will present at the student thesis panel.

Women/Minority researcher lunch

During the annual SIGMETRICS conference, there is a women/minority researcher lunch which provides an informal venue for students, faculty, and industrial researchers to share experiences related to both research and career development.

Student demo competition

Do you have a cool demo of your ideas and prototypes? Then come and exhibit it at the annual SIGMETRICS conference! The student demo competition provides an a high-visibility, interactive forum for exhibiting any demonstrations of innovative research related to performance evaluation of computer systems.

The demonstrations are evaluated by a panel of judges and an award is given to the best student-led demonstration. The evaluation is based on how innovative the research is, how well the demonstration illustrates the ideas and captures the viewer's attention.

For submission instructions and dates refer to the SIGMETRICS conference web site.

Student job fair

The job fair aims at provide a communication channel between industrial labs and students to identify mutually interested topics. Industrial labs can use this opportunity to attract bright students who actively work in the field. Students will learn exciting opportunities of working at industrial labs either as a regular employ or as a summer intern.

The job fair is typically held during the annual SIGMETRICS conference and includes both short presentations given by participating industrial labs on their general research area and recruiting process (both regular positions and summer intern opportunities), and follow-up one-on-one discussions between students and representatives from each lab.

Student dinner

During the annual SIGMETRICS conference there is a student dinner, typically sponsored by an industrial research lab, which provides a venue to students to explore and contrast the post-graduation opportunities available in academia and industry, as well as other aspects of career development.